State Trust Fund Loan Program
Through the State Trust Fund Loan Program, the BCPL helps cities, counties, and towns across Wisconsin fund critical projects ranging from small business loan programs to snowplows.
The State Trust Fund Loan Program provides municipalities and school districts affordable financing for public purpose projects including economic development, local infrastructure, capital equipment and vehicles, building repairs and improvements, and refinancing existing liabilities to reduce future borrowing costs. The application process works closely with local communities. The State Trust Fund Loan program is what Secretary Godlewski calls a win-win - the investment dollars help local communities meet important needs and the interest paid goes to benefit public schools!
Since Secretary Godlewski began as Chair in 2019, the BCPL has made smart investments in Wisconsin’s future and with a diverse portfolio. Under Godlewski’s leadership, the Board overturned the gag order on climate change and approved over 600 projects across the state for a total of over $300 million. This includes more than $38 million for roadwork and street improvements, $210,000 to fund lead water line replacement in Mosinee, $400,000 for broadband infrastructure improvement in Drammen, and more.