Trust Fund Loans
Learn about our investments in local communities.
| Funding Schools
Learn about our impact on public schools.
| Public Lands
Learn about our role with public lands.
Secretary Godlewski understands that smart community investments are critical to making Wisconsin the best state to live, work, and raise a family. The Secretary has a successful track record with community investments and is involved in a few different ways:
First, as Chair of the Boards of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL), the Secretary leads a $1.4 billion school trust fund that provides funding for public schools and also finances community projects across the state. Under Secretary Godlewski’s leadership when she first served as Chair from 2019-2023, the BCPL funded over 600 community projects across the state from expanding high speed internet, installing solar panels, and removing lead laterals. Further, the Common School Fund provided record-breaking distributions every year as Chair. Secretary Godlewski was proud to play an active role from serving on the Investment Committee to working closely with communities, and she will continue to provide this active leadership.
Second, Secretary Godlewski plans to use the office to facilitate international opportunities for Wisconsin. Secretaries of State have a little known connection with the US Department of State and many of Secretary Godlewski’s colleagues are leading work to help expand international opportunities for their state by embracing the made in Wisconsin principles that lead to strong financial outcomes for workers and small businesses.
Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) is Wisconsin's oldest State Agency founded in 1848.
Written into the state’s constitution, the commission manages four trust funds and approximately 75,000 acres of public trust lands to benefit public schools and Wisconsin students. Further, it manages the State Trust Fund Loan program that provides important financing for communities across the state. Today, the trust funds are valued at over $1.4 billion. As Chair, the BCPL has provided record breaking distributions to Wisconsin public schools every year since 2019 and the Common School Fund has grown by 19%. The State Trust Fund Loan Program has funded projects in all 72 counties!